17th Annual Forum on Nonprofit Effectiveness

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Friday, March 4th, 2016 | 10 am to 3:30 pm
Tucson Convention Center

This annual one-day forum celebrates over 15 years of the ASU Lodestar Center’s role in educating and providing knowledge and tools to the nonprofit community. The day will feature an opening keynote session from Susan Tomlinson Schmidt, current President of the Nonprofit Leadership Alliance and an engaging luncheon presentation and panel on the latest research on the nonprofit sector, “Arizona Nonprofits: Economic Power, Positive Impact” report (2016). The afternoon will conclude with several unique workshops presented by our community's most influential leaders. Topics range from marketing and social media strategies to board governance and impact measurement models -- and everything in between!

Join us as we dive into engaging dialogue that advances the nonprofit organizations that we lead, serve or volunteer for... Network with 200+ community leaders and take away key tips, tricks, and real-time solutions for everyday challenges we face, both personally and professionally. See you there!

Keynote Address

Susan Tomlinson Schmidt, MPA, CNP | President | Nonprofit Leadership Alliance

As a leader of the only national-scale organization dedicated to strengthening the social setor with a talented and prepared workforce, Susan will challenge assumptions about nonprofits and suggest the need for reframing the sector's narrative. Through perspectives learned from the Nonprofit Leadership Alliance's network of universities, national nonprofit partners, and individuals who have earned NLA's Certified Nonprofit Professional (CNP) credential, Susan will help attendees "bust myths" by illuminating a stance that there is, in fact, a nonprofit industry that contributes greatly to the social and economic vitality of our country. Her remarks will inspire those with passion for nonprofits with a call for acknowleding the need to give equal priority to the competencies needed to successfully lead and manage nonprofits.

Luncheon Presentation and Panel
"Beyond Dollars: The Economic and Social Value of Arizona Nonprofits"

A luncheon presentation and panel will feature important information about contributions of the nonprofit sector to the economic well-being of our State. The latest research on the nonprofit sector, “Arizona Nonprofits: Economic Power, Positive Impact” report (2016), will be discussed and released during this highly-engaging session. In collaboration with the L. William Seidman Research Institute at the W. P. Carey School of Business at Arizona State University, the Alliance of Arizona Nonprofits, the Phoenix Philanthropy Group, and the Arizona Community Foundation, the ASU Lodestar Center is honored to offer this opportunity to hear first-hand from the State’s most influential business, government and nonprofit community leaders.

It is our hope that this report will encourage collaboration and dialogue between government, business and nonprofit leaders, as no one sector has all the answers to the challenges and opportunities facing our state. Though an understanding of the nonprofit sector’s contributions to our economy is important, we know too that the story of impact and influence is learned when also considering the social value that occurs at the individual level of transformation. This is where true stories of change occur as the lacing of a community’s social fabric is woven together into a tapestry of hope and opportunity.

As you consider how this luncheon presentation and report may be used to strengthen Arizona, we urge those so inspired to engage collaboratively in ways that honor diverse perspectives while striving for that which we can all agree upon. A vibrant, robust, Arizona that advances its social, economic, cultural, educational, and environmental goals for all, not just some, is within reach.

All 17th Annual Forum on Nonprofit Effectiveness attendees will leave with a complimentary copy of the “Arizona Nonprofits: Economic Power, Positive Impact” report.

Introduction: Robert F. Ashcraft, Ph.D. | Executive Director | ASU Lodestar Center for Philanthropy and Nonprofit Innovation
Research Presenter: Dr. Anthony Evans | Senior Researcher | L. William Seidman Research Institute
Moderated by: Richard L. Tollefson, Jr. | Founder and President | PPG

Panelists include:

  • Lynne Wood Dusenberry (recently retired) | Attorney | Office of the General Counsel, University of Arizona
  • Jan Lesher | Deputy County Administrator | Pima County
  • Michael McDonald | CEO | Community Food Bank of Southern Arizona
  • Nils Urman | Business and Economic Development Entrepreneur

Workshops, workshops and more workshops! 

The afternoon will feature six engaging and impactful workshops designed to take you and your organization to the next level.

Who should attend

Potential, emerging and current nonprofit professionals, community leaders, nonprofit board members, and business professionals are encouraged to attend.

Mingle with our exhibitors
  • Alexander|Carrillo Consulting
  • Alliance of Arizona Nonprofits
  • ASU Lodestar Center for Philanthropy and Nonprofit Innovation
    -- American Express Leadership Academy
    -- Nonprofit Leadership Alliance at ASU
    -- Public Allies Arizona
  • Nonprofit Management Institute (NMI)
  • Raise the Bar Consulting

Join us

Online registration is now closed. At-the-door registration rate is $85. Registration fee includes breakfast, lunch, presentations and convenient parking in Lot A.

Contact us

For more information, please contact Nicole Almond Anderson via email or 602.496.0185.

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