Better nonprofits for better communities.
Nonprofit and philanthropic organizations are essential social institutions that enhance the quality of life in our communities. At the ASU Lodestar Center for Philanthropy and Nonprofit Innovation, we educate, empower and connect nonprofit leaders. Our work makes nonprofits and their teams better, accelerating social impact.
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The ASU Lodestar Center's Nonprofit Management Institute offers flexible professional development options, networking opportunities, and the knowledge and tools you need to succeed. Our programs are open to individuals of all educational backgrounds and levels of experience who are seeking continuing education, from staff and management to volunteers and board members, as well as private-sector professionals seeking a career change.
Build your organization's capacity
Research and resources

Nonprofit Social Innovation Hub
We launched the Nonprofit Social Innovation Hub during the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic to highlight the incredible innovation we were seeing in the nonprofit and philanthropic community. Some nonprofits adopted new technology to continue their services; others pivoted to new business models to fulfill their missions. Within the Hub, you will find ideas and inspiration from your colleagues throughout the state.