A group of people talking around a table.

Capacity Building Services

Board governance training, strategic planning and other consulting services

The ASU Lodestar Center provides consulting services for nonprofit organizations in need of customized, individual support on specific capacity building challenges. On a contractual basis, the Center works with organizations to develop a specialized scope of work to accelerate change.

Our highly-trained experts assist organizations on a variety of issues such as:

  • Board governance
  • Collaborations and mergers
  • Financial management and sustainability
  • Fund development
  • Leadership coaching
  • Marketing, communications and social media
  • Philanthropy and social impact measurement
  • Policy development
  • Strategic planning
  • Volunteer management and human resources
  • And many more

Prices vary based on the complexity and duration of the project.


Get started

Please complete our inquiry form to start a conversation about your needs. We look forward to learning about your organization and how we can assist.

Tell us about your project