Board governance
Capacity Building Services

Board Governance Training

Training current and future board members to make a difference

Effective, motivated boards are critical to a nonprofit organization’s ability to develop its capacity and achieve its mission. This board governance training consists of a series of topics that break down the best practices and responsibilities of an effective governing body. It's available in-person, virtually or hybrid, depending on your organization and needs.

About our nonprofit board governance training

The ASU Lodestar Center’s board governance program is an effective tool in augmenting the knowledge of those who are experienced board members, as well as those who are new to board service. Every attendee or board member receives a training manual with resources, descriptions, examples, and exercises which help to build the capacity of the organization even after the board training is completed.

Each training can be geared to a specific audience, including: boards of directors, chief executive officers, board volunteers, corporations, small businesses, civil organizations, and any other group that would like to have their employees/members trained to be effective community leaders through service as board members.

The full-day board governance training covers all topics and typically requires 6 hours of contact time. The material can be abbreviated for a shorter time-frame or built-out for custom workshops, or each respective module can be addressed in greater specificity in a seminar fashion. 


  • Advocacy-Lobbying: Explore the board’s role in policy and government relations as well as the limitations on lobbying activities and best practices for sharing a message with the community.

  • Board Imperatives: Learn the Philosophical, ethical and legal issues important to an organization and expands on the foundations of organizational effectiveness including mission and vision.

  • Board Organization: Consider the importance of committees and task forces as well and review board life cycles and design, operation and delegation.

  • Board-Staff Relationships: Explore the Executive Director/CEO-Chair dynamics and role definitions, along with relationships, responsibilities, expectations and policies.

  • Community Liaison: Explains the role of the board in serving as the organization’s champion in the community, and how board members can be the most effective advocates of the organization with other constituents.

  • Financial Management: Understand the importance of financials and budgeting responsibilities, setting standards for financial management, financial oversight and the all-important reporting.

  • Leadership Development: Engage in meaningful discussion and decision-making strategies. Also describes engaged Board members and tools for recruiting and developing excellent board members.

  • Resource Development: Develop an entrepreneurial perspective of fundraising, with a focus on diversifying the resource base. Learn about the Board’s role in fund raising and leadership.

  • Strategic Planning: Appreciate the strategic planning process and key factors that impact the effectiveness of a plan. Explore the board’s role in determining the goals and objective of the organization.

  • The Ever-Changing Scene: Understand how current issues in the sector impact organizational operations such as external regulatory issues, like the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, as well as overhead ratios, collective impact, auditors and accountability, etc.


Estimated $5,000-7,000 for a 6-hour training session for up to 25 participants. Prices vary based on length of training, number of participants and other factors. Prices are subject to change without notification.

Get started

Please complete our inquiry form to start a conversation. We look forward to learning about your organization and how we can assist.

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