Everyone has experiences that matter in bettering our community. What could you do with yours?
Experience Matters connects your skills and talents with social-benefit organizations to enhance their capacity to solve community problems.
We offer year-long Fellowships, short-term Service by Design assignments, and AmeriCorps National Service programs. We are building a powerful network and creating sustainable outcomes for the betterment of the community.
Experience Matters was founded in February 2009 with 501(c)(3) status granted in September 2011. The organization became a program of the ASU Lodestar Center for Philanthropy and Nonprofit Innovation in 2022. Experience Matters has now impacted over 600 nonprofits, with more than 1,200 projects completed by matched volunteers.

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Our stories

Experience Matters testimonials
Learn about the power of the Experience Matters model, for all involved, and how we make a difference in local communities with our year-long Fellowships, short-term Service by Design assignments, and AmeriCorps National Service programs. Hear from individuals and the organizations they matched with.
More opportunities

ASU Cogenerational Service Academy
Be the bridge with this multigenerational volunteer opportunity
This is your opportunity to be part of a new kind of volunteer program where you work with a small, multigenerational team to design your own service project. Bridge the gaps, learn from each other, and celebrate your success together!