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ASU Lodestar Center Blog

Research and recommendations for effective, day-to-day nonprofit practice from ASU faculty, staff, students, and the nonprofit and philanthropic community.

Monday, September 24, 2018

After graduating college and moving to Arizona, I was unsure of what path to take in life. I knew I wanted to continue my education but I was not ready to be back in the classroom setting, I wanted real-life experience. In my search for continued learning, Public Allies quickly became an appealing way to continue my personal growth. Going into the program, I had a general idea of where I wanted to go in my career but was unsure how to accomplish my goals. I felt as though I needed more professional and personal development to become a more effective community leader and social worker in my future. Public Allies helped me accomplish this.

Throughout the placement process, I was introduced to Arizona Foundation for the Handicapped (AFH) and immediately knew that it was the type of organization I wanted to work for. I have always been interested in working with individuals with special needs and AFH provided me the opportunity to serve a population I am passionate about. During my time at AFH, I learned so many important lessons from members. They taught me about positivity, friendship, hard work and countless other lessons.

As a community engagement coordinator, I developed a volunteer program and worked toward building community knowledge about AFH and its programs. While all aspects of my positions were exciting and challenged me to reach beyond what I believed I was capable of, by…

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Tuesday, September 18, 2018

There are more than 1.3 million nonprofit organizations in the United States that employ more than 12 million people, with $340 billion in annual budget outlays. As the primary goal of nonprofit organizations is to advance, advocate or pursue a cause, it is understandable that many professionals want to focus their long-term career goals on nonprofit management. 

If that describes you, there are several things to know to accelerate your career in nonprofit management. They are: 

Understand the Nonprofit Sector

Nonprofit organizations offer services to the public that governments and businesses do not. Hospitals, universities and religious organizations have long been the center of much nonprofit activity, but nonprofit structures are continuing to evolve. New investors and for-profit professionals are starting to work in this sector, and the line between businesses and nonprofits is beginning to blur. 

Therefore, organizations are looking for new employees with varied backgrounds and experiences. Many business experiences and skills can be adapted to the nonprofit sector - such as project management, marketing and accounting. 

Know the Benefits of Nonprofit Sector Work

Working in nonprofit organizations carries many benefits. Understanding them from…

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Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Raising money is tough, no matter how important the cause. 

According to, only half of U.S. nonprofits survive past five years, and of those that survive, about one third are in financial distress.

I’ve spent several years figuring out what works and what doesn’t when it comes to raising money for a nonprofit. Through trial and error, I’ve learned that getting private funding comes down to four things: persistence, creativity, existing relationships and talking.

Be Persistent

Many people express excitement and intention to donate to the cause, but then don’t follow through. We can decrease this, somewhat, by capturing the donation while excitement is still high. For our regular donors, a recurring donation program helps get donations from those who have agreed to donate on a monthly or yearly schedule.

If someone hasn’t agreed to donate the first couple of times you asked, it doesn’t mean they won’t in the future. If they’ve expressed interest, continue following up (without annoying them). Persistence is how we got funding from Wells Fargo. After applying for several grants, we were declined every time. We maintained the relationship and were eventually funded through one of their private foundations, and they became one of our biggest supporters. Persistence pays off.

Be Creative

  • Ask for…
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Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Have you ever made an announcement at a board meeting and everyone is excited and pledges to be involved in this new plan or initiative? WOO HOO!

Then, a little time goes by and it’s like crickets.  Nobody is doing anything and you feel like you’re in it all alone. Where did everyone go?

When you work with a nonprofit board, creating an environment where participation is valued is essential. Reflect on this a minute and ask yourself, “How have I encouraged and supported the success of each volunteer?” 

You want to be sure you’ve created a true partnership where both staff and volunteers are holding each other accountable and are there to support each other.  When you do, you’ll see volunteers leaning in and following up, asking you what you need, requesting information or guidance and performing at a higher level than before! All that leads to more money, more people and more community awareness. Wouldn’t that be nice?

What can you do to keep board members engaged between board meetings?

  1. Follow up right away. What we know for sure is that the magic of board engagement happens between meetings. So whether you had a great discussion, made a key decision, agreed on next steps for a project or set a new policy – get the minutes out within a few days. Better yet, when you send the email with the attachment, list a few…
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Monday, August 27, 2018

Let me guess. You need your volunteers to spread the word about your good work, to connect you with their networks and generally be the amazing gatekeepers to the community you know they can be.

And, they seem willing. However,…very little is happening. What the heck? Are they trying to make you miserable? Do they not care about your mission after all? What can you do to change this?

First, check your mindset and think about how you’re thinking about your board. They have good intentions and are NOT trying to ruin your day. Nevertheless, there is a disconnect somewhere so let’s try to figure it out.

Here’s the truth about why your board members aren’t actively serving as community ambassadors:

  • They don’t know what that specifically means
  • They are motivated, but don’t have everything they need to start
  • They don’t understand why they need to do so

It’s time to figure this out and facilitate their success so you aren’t frustrated. Here are three ways to support your volunteers so your amazing team of confident ambassadors raise awareness for your cause:

  • Start with why. This will be critical for a successful team of ambassadors – they need to understand why this matters and what the desired result is. Are you trying to recruit board members? Do you need to secure more donors? Do you…
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ASU Lodestar Center Blog