Individuals contribute to their communities in ways that go beyond monetary donations. Nearly one-third of Arizona’s residents volunteer, giving 160.9 million hours of service in 2017.
Volunteers engage in a wide variety of activities, as shown below, the top three of which are education, sports and religion.
The first chart below depicts the top four activities in which Arizona volunteers engage, as compared to the percentage of volunteers in the same activity across the country. A higher percentage of Arizona volunteers contribute in tutoring, teaching and mentoring than that in the United States.
Volunteers provide economic value through their donated labor, value that is not often reflected in economic or financial statements. Arizona’s volunteers provided an estimated $3.8 billion worth of services in 2017, which is comparable to the total amount of charitable giving in Arizona. Therefore, every philanthropic dollar given in Arizona is nearly equaled, in value, by a volunteer giving his or her time.