John D. "Jack" Armstrong Scholarship

Purpose: The purpose of the scholarship is to provide an award to a deserving undergraduate student in honor of Jack Armstrong, the founding Executive Director of Nonprofit Leadership Alliance at Arizona State University. The scholarship was established in 2009 by Lanette Rugis and other “First Gen” NLM/ASU Alumni, family and friends of Jack Armstrong.

Award: A cash award, and citation, is provided annually.  

Criteria: Student selected must:

  1. Be a Nonprofit Leadership Alliance undergraduate student in good standing (application on file) successfully enrolled in the program at ASU during the spring semester and pursuing Nonprofit Leadership Alliance certification (Certified Nonprofit Professional), preferably sophomore or junior status.
  2. Have successfully completed one Nonprofit Leadership Alliance class.
  3. Demonstrated respect for their professors.
  4. Have a 3.25 or higher cumulative grade point average.
  5. Demonstrate need for financial support.
  6. Have completed at least 40 hours of volunteer work in a nonprofit youth agency.

Selection: In accordance with the wishes of the donor, the selection of the student recipient of this scholarship is made by a scholarship committee consisting of faculty, alumni and community members. Nominations of qualifying students may be made by faculty/staff of the program.

Deadline: All applications are due March 15, 2024, by 11:59 p.m.
