
Scope of the Arizona Nonprofit Sector

Understanding Arizona's nonprofit organizations

Welcome to Scope of the Arizona Nonprofit Sector, an interactive tool for understanding and researching nonprofit organizations, their workers, and the nonprofit sector’s contribution to the Arizona economy. Read about the new data, including key findings, or browse the reports and visualizations below.


Nonprofit sector profile ⇾

Arizona is home to a vibrant nonprofit sector comprising over 28,000 registered tax-exempt organizations. The sector profile includes data on public charities, private foundations and other registered nonprofits.

  1. Nonprofits at a glance
  2. Charitable organizations
  3. Public charities
  4. Congregations
  5. Private foundations
  6. Other nonprofits
  7. Social welfare
  8. Business leagues

Economic contribution

Economic contribution ⇾

The nonprofit sector is a significant economic force, the sixth largest "industry" in Arizona by economic impact. Get details on the economic contribution of the nonprofit sector to Arizona’s economy, with data on nonprofit growth, employment, wages and more.

  1. Overview
  2. Growth of the sector
  3. Nonprofit employment
  4. Nonprofit wages
  5. Sources of revenue

Interactive charts

Interactive menu

Our interactive charts allow you to explore Arizona's nonprofit organizations by type, county and subsector (from arts to education), with revenue breakdowns and more.

Nonprofits at a glance  |  Employment and wages  |  Public charities  |  Private foundations  |  Other nonprofits

2024 Scope of the Sector logo

Scope of the Arizona Nonprofit Sector draws upon the most recently available data from several sources. The total number of nonprofit organizations is reported from the IRS registry of tax-exempt organizations, downloaded in February 2024. Additional data sources include the U.S. Census Bureau and IPUMS USA. For details on data sources, methodologies and limitations, please see the Glossary and Sources. This revision was researched by Dan Hunting and Pravalika Samala.